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RSS Guard 3.4.1

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RSS Guard is simple yet powerful feed reader that is developed on top of the Qt library and supports online feed synchronization. It's able to fetch the most known feed formats, including RSS/RDF and ATOM and even able to parse feeds, which do not follow standards strictly. RSS Guard is not depending on other services - this includes online news aggregators like Feedly, The Old Reader, and others.

RSS Guard works in pure Unicode encoding and it won't support other encodings. It's able to import and export feeds in OPML 1.0 and RGX formats for easy feed backup and restore. This application can run on background (hidden in notification area) and display bubble hints, when new messages appear or something important happens. Update interval can be modified via application settings.

Key Features:
  • Simple interface
  • Cross-platform
  • Support for all feed formats
  • Handles tons of messages & feeds
  • Built-in Chromium-based web viewer
  • Support for online feed synchronization via plugins
  • Message filter with regular expressions
  • Import/export of feeds to/from OPML 2.0
  • Drag-n-drop support
  • Lightweight
  • And much more...

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